Opening hours:

Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
extra open: Monday 20 May, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m



Activities in the province

Vincent van Gogh is world-famous. But not many people know that he also stayed in Drenthe. For three months, in the southeast of the province. Six paintings, several drawings and watercolours and a series of letters to his brother Theo from his time in Drenthe in 1883 have survived.  


Van Gogh in Drenthe

In September it will be 140 years ago since Vincent van Gogh came to Drenthe. That is why all kinds of unique events and activities are being organised during this anniversary year. Exhibitions, performances, but also special cycling and walking routes are being developed, so that you really follow in the footsteps of this Dutch master. 

Bicyce routes

Get to know the landscape of Van Gogh's time by cycling! You will see what Vincent saw here, how he came to new insights in Drenthe, who he met and what scenery he was looking for. What was it like here in Drenthe in 1883 and what was going on? How did the people live and what kind of work did they do? You can follow three different signposted routes around Emmen, Hoogeveen and Zweeloo.


Each route is about 50 kilometres long. You can cycle them individually or as one long route. The routes are indicated with special signs and along the way you will come across see-through panels with audio stories and cycle past metre-high murals. 


Van Gogh in binnenstad Hoogeveen town centre

From 2023, Van Gogh takes centre stage in Drenthe, including Hoogeveen. Vincent arrived at Hoogeveen Station in 1883 and spent several months in Drenthe, including Hoogeveen. A house-high self-portrait of Vincent van Gogh can be seen in the centre of Hoogeveen location Dekkerplein. This street art mural is the work of De Strakke Hand and can be seen during the Vincent's Arrival Cycle Route, during the guided Van Gogh town walk and is a nice selfie spot during the Family treasure hunt Searching with Vincent. 

Een wanderer in Zweeloo

The day that passed like a dream
Wander past four historic farmyards.Enjoy four musical encounters with live painters, musicians and local residents, and experience the musical and visual performance about the mood of Vincent's day in Zweeloo. 

27 sept t/m 7 oktober.

Concert series | Carina Vinke ontmoet Van Gogh

In a series of three concerts, alto mezzo Carina Vinke from Erica sings about Vincent van Gogh’s experiences during the two months he spent in southeast Drenthe. With Sophie Timmer connecting the works and brunch, tea or supper. 

Alto mezzo Carina Vinke sings about the experiences Vincent van Gogh went through during his stay in Nieuw-Amsterdam/Veenoord and its surroundings in three concerts. More than a small series of classical concerts, it takes guests to special locations, literally puts them in motion and is enriched with an inspiring catering arrangement.